Dorkside Nexus

Andor Stole My Paycheck: Andor Midseason Breakdown

October 18, 2022 Nexus Podcasting Season 2 Episode 18
Dorkside Nexus
Andor Stole My Paycheck: Andor Midseason Breakdown
Show Notes Transcript

6 episodes of Andor have released now, holy cow has this show been amazing.  Brooksy, Corey and Tanner are madly in love with this show. This week they sit down to breakdown the series so far and what they felt about that last episode that paid off so much on the things that have been built up so far in this season. 

Is this the best Star Wars that Lucasfilm has put out since Disney purchased them?  Possibly.


Don't count me in I'm not a rocket ship. Welcome to another episode of the Dorkside nexus. As always, I'm Corey


and I'm Tanner and it's go for Papa Palpatine I've


missed this.


I'm a little bit sniffily today guys. So pardon my voice that happens. It is not the Rona. It is just a head cold.


It's not the Rhone


hate to sue. Show me the test. Now I don't care.


I can guess what my butthole that for you.


I don't know if that counts. I'll


take a test and need to know if it's quarries or not.


It says you don't have Rona but you do have E. Coli. Whoa,


whoa. Ah, it's


good to be back in the room everybody. Oh my god. What does everybody been up to?


I mean, I was away last week bid for bachelor party trip and then directly into the wedding which ladies and gentlemen, if you're if you're listening out there, do not do your bachelor party or your bachelorette party reading leading right into your rehearsal dinner and wedding hangover style. It is miserable.


I was gonna say it sounded like it was fine. I had a lot of


fun but just like that whole like bachelor party into rehearsal into wedding was a lot. Yeah. That I know you're listening canoeing. I love you. I love you to death. But


it was a lot to call like, a couple of days. Yeah, it


was just it was just a lot very quickly. I wish we had a day in between. That's all it would have been perfect every day. Just a recovery day would have been perfect and I guess I did not silence my phone ladies and gentlemen.


That's okay.


That's fine sound of Darth Vader's breathing is good segue to a later conversation that we'll have for you.


As for right now, okay, how was your week? It was just


you and I and your girlfriend and you know got to hang out which was pretty good. It was nice little mall Trenton Yeah, well mall trip, although we did cut it close, but close in the mall was Robin sparkles there. No, sadly. Oh.


Maria Hill, Robin sparkles.


So How I Met Your Mother Efrain


Oh, I've never I've actually seen like maybe two episodes of that show. She


was a teenage Canadian pop star that sang in the mall late 80s. Like her hit song was let's go to the mall.


Oh my gosh. One of you to send me that video before I think because that's a marina Hill. Yeah, I know her more is Maria then yeah, that always be Robin. That was a fun little Mall. trip that a little a little random Barnes and Noble.


Yeah. Got you some d&d stuff. Because, well, actually, I'm so excited to DM curse of strahd with both of you.


All right. You've been listening dungeons and daddies and have so many ideas.


I have so many ideas.


And if Anthony Burch you're listening to this, I love you and I cannot wait to DM


I'm very much a big Freddie Wong fan because Freddie is just the agent of chaos.


It's so true.


Freddie Wong like I'm on season two. You're not there yet. But he even in season two. He's hilarious.


Yeah. Without a doubt and all the characters are great. So so comical, chaotic at the same time. Well done, as well done. They're


opening to their newest episode, pop punk was fucking amazing. It was literally Freddie Wong, singing in interpretation of Stacy's mom to give a breakdown with the events that happened in the previous episode. It was amazing. I pause the episode the instant I heard that and had to message these guys.


I'm so scared. This is going to be my first campaign. I can tell already. I've been being injured. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, absolutely. I


mean, you're not the bard. So we're not going to put you in as many shitty situation Chris.


Chris has to talk like Christopher Walken. First of all, yes, also say more cowbell. So we can actually have straight roles and not disadvantage. And the other thing too, it's


well, we're not going to spoil that because he might decide to listen to this episode. That's true.


That's true. Then we decided if I do bad puns,


bad puns. We're all taking psychic damage. Yeah.


Even Even me and I'm the DM I just get a little bit of headache. Ah, headache.


Yeah, I'm scared for how this is gonna go it's fun


it's fun you'll you'll have a good time for sure


I'm gonna be a monk broke


out broken one Jeez Louise


Flexi you missed it earlier for bad puns I hit Corys nose


runs a guitar pick across my nostrils was a little on the nose shaking my head just


saving that when he's gonna make us instantly roll psychic twice the moment and sit down


actually you don't want to wait for it to well like you guys are really low on health and I was like ah remember that nose pick one raw for damage to have I said Roll for damage


oh this is gonna be bad ladies and gentlemen


we should definitely record this


I second that a lot


you buy in the mics because we don't have enough mics for the we could share


I don't do any of the editing so


ah oh my


god good energy.


Yeah, for sure.


Well guys, what a week we had wit and nerdiness


Oh yeah, I'm not as caught up on some things as you guys and I know there's there's a certain ring Middle Earth Yeah. Themed


there's some rings out there that you're not caught up on we got


we got a new episode of Endor that was pretty good. Pretty good. It was really good. I think that might be my favorite episode of Star Wars we've had in a hot minute


might be my favorite ever because steaks Yeah, yeah. So I think we should just jump right into this guy's I think so. So overall God I am so happy with the show. I was a little tired. I just it was a lot for me to watch because I'd missed a couple of weeks of Rings of Power so I like couldn't jump into andorre Right after that because rings the powers long like hour and eight minutes and episode status. Yeah. So trying to been there long episodes Yeah, trying to binge that and then binge and where was a lot but from the payoff in Episode Five and or was unbelievable. Yes.


So last I knew you were on episode two. So you got to watch three through. What was the last one sick?


It was five. Five. Okay.


That's a good stretch nine. Pretty sure it was


the I think yeah,


yeah, I'm all caught up. I watch the latest one last night. Cool.


Because you can definitely feel with this show. They do like the one two and then three is okay. Here's the action here's here's the story kind of being wrapped up. Bring the action. Yeah.


Are we Blyde we're gonna throw in the action are you kidding me? I'm blind. Now this


episode six the I was in my opinion. I think the best part was just how visually stunning Oh, it was amazing. Without the volume. Yeah, that's one of the most amazing things is I mean, I think they filmed were in Scotland somewhere for most of the external shots. Yeah. Good lord. There's so much going on and so we got the setup for the heist in the last two episodes and then we immediately open up we've got Andorra talking to I can't remember his name but basically mouse from from the matrix A little kid with a manifesto Yeah, and you know what was gonna happen I mean spoilers spoilers for this episode right off the top


All right well before that what was really cool going into this episode was when I can't I can't remember any of their names I have not grown to attach to any of them was when what all I know him is cousin from the bear great TV show when what's his name grabs sky Khyber from Endor and he's like skiing. Yeah, ski. Yeah. He when He grabs that? And was basically like, Yeah, I'm being paid. You want to know why I'm here. I'm being paid. I'm not gonna lie to you


about that.


I love that. Because how many times have we seen a group of people, they're going to do the heist, they're going to do whatever and then one of them turns around and does the double cross in the middle of the heist or whatever. And then it just fucks with them. And he just says straight up like, I'm here to get the mission done. But I'm just letting you know. Yeah, my motivation is because I'm getting paid for it. I'm still here. Still gonna get it done. I don't want to be looking over my shoulder, you know, the whole time. I love it.


Do you think when


they were before they they told them who do you think out of the entirety of the group legitimately trusted and or?


The kid the kid Yeah. Again,


you think just the kid to


He even talks about like how he was unsure about and or for a bit and then he like, wrote about it all night and his little journal and he's like, I think you're okay. I think you'll do the right thing when the time comes. Yeah. But other than that, I think they were all on the skeptical side. Yeah.


Yeah, I think so too. Especially the, the lieutenant. I forgot his name the Imperial officer that was in the base Gorn? Yep. Yep. Most of the time. He was he was especially skeptical of and or showing up.


Oh, yeah.


I also I loved seeing him on the imperial side trying to like, he's kind of subtly prepping the the workers the everyday worker bees. They're kind of like reminding them like, Hey, this is this is a big thing. You know, you guys might have to work during the during the fancy eye thing. Just to kind of throw some cover in there.


Yeah, he's kind of do he's doing his job. But he's also you can tell he's waited for the best opportunity when it would be the fewest amount of people he would have to have do their job. Yeah,


no, that definitely makes sense. Less people there the last cat catastrophe.


But did you guys think of the fat and happy Imperial officer or Commandant guy is talking about? All those belts must have shrunk? In the you know, in Spain? We were getting


them in the mouth.


It's like maybe you just grew?


Yeah. What when he said that? What do you ever he said to his wife right after that. I'm like, bro, I'm going to smack the shit out of you.


And it goes exactly to what Kassian says. I think it's like in the first episode. He's like, the Empire is so fat and happy. They couldn't imagine somebody just sneaking in. And literally, they sneak right in and the Commandant's like what's going on. This can't possibly happen is the Empire the frickin empire that this isn't possible.


But that's the problem, though, is that he's so used to confer on Corizon we're like nothing could happen. The last thing that happened was That's five BB why. So that was probably what 14 years ago? Was the end of the Clone Wars when General Grievous attacked Corizon Yeah, so nothing's happened. So in that time, over a decade, you everyone in Corizon was like, all the empires, you know, in control now. Emperor Palpatine is not gonna let anything you know, enter the airspace not even close to a land Shah. Unless, you know, they go through like this intense security screen. So yeah, he's just he's just so use and relaxed. And then he goes to this far away. What mid rim world? Is that? Where it is?


I don't know. I don't remember if they specified exactly.


I'm guessing it's probably like, inner to mid rim world. And that's just has very little it's all open space screen but open space. And he's like, Yeah, this this, how does this happen? Well, you're out in the middle of nowhere, you're not in the capital. This is gonna happen.


He's so detached from reality. I love and like he's talking smack about the people of the planet and like, oh, we just, you know, we set up some bars and some, you know, some, some comfort stuff so that they don't really even notice that we're completely taking everything from them.


Yeah, yeah, exactly. What do you guys think of manof? Do


you mean in regards to her as a person or her home life?


I think what they're doing in the show with her character,


it definitely is setting the track of why she's becoming she becomes more of a full fledged rebel. Yeah, like leader.


I really enjoy seeing that side of it. I didn't think I would at first Yeah, I thought it was gonna be a snooze fest for me. But seeing it, I'm really enjoying that arc. Especially because her home life sucks, bro.


She's she's miserable all the time. Her husband is like, like, barely. I would. It seems like barely gives her any thought of the day.


Total and by extension sodas. Her child was. Okay, but my point is, is maybe she did. I'm not gonna say she's not in the wrong maybe she didn't spend enough time at home with her family being a senator. That's true. She is a senator. So there I'll give it that. And so maybe that's where the disdain comes from. But she still has a really Half Life at home. Yeah, compared to what I thought like, the picture they're painting is cool to have.


And it sucks because she's working behind the scenes to really set up like, what will become the rebellion. And she's working to, you know, the she's working for the reference the Gorman's and how their rights are getting stripped away. And we know in Rebels when she officially breaks from the Senate. That's the thing she talks about the Gorman massacre. So that's something that they're kind of slowly building towards, but she's spending so much time trying to liberate the galaxy. And then when she's home, she's facing like this entire other war on a different front of like, her husband doesn't give a shit about anything that she's doing. Yeah, he has no interest in it at all. Her daughter's just kind of like that teenage daughter of like, you don't want to go it's fine. Like, you don't have to come to my whatever thing. It's all publicity. I'm not going you don't have to go Don't go.


Yeah. Like she's completely completely. not attentive to what Mon Mothma is doing for other people. And for, you know, species that can't speak for themselves in the galaxy, and the galactic, you know, the Galactic Senate. And she's just like, No, it's like she says, it's always about you. It's always about you. And I'm like, Ah, I don't think you're seeing the bigger picture here. But I mean, hey, if that's what you want to think, go for it.


I mean, in my mouth, I guess maybe like, what, 30 seconds of screen time between Rogue One and return to the Jedi. And now we finally get to see like, oh, no, she had a kid. Yeah, I didn't.




The other. We exactly. And we had no clue that she she had a kid. And it's cool to see that side of it. Because we knew bail are gonna have layup and she was involved with the rebellion. And it would only make sense that we would learn about Mon Mothma. Family. Yeah. And whether they are or are not involved in the rebellion is the way it's getting set up right now. It seems like they are not involved in her belly.


Yeah, that's correct. Her family. Yeah. Yeah. No, not at all.


Not at all. They're very much it under the like her husband and her daughter very much Imperials.


Oh, yeah. No, duh. There's like the dinner party. I think it was in episode three or four. They referenced this coming. Yeah, awesome. Mita. There's one. He mentions another name, who's one of Palpatine is like, in his main circle. She's like Air Force user. She knows that. Palpatine is like a Sith Lord. And he's like, Oh, she's one of the fun ones gonna sit on the fun side of the table. And she's like, bro, I'm trying to start a goddamn rebellion here. And you're inviting literally everyone that hates me to this party. Yeah. Why?


I mean, it's, it's so cool to see the side of it, because it gives us that political intrigue. But done better than what George did.


Yeah, it's what I feel like he always wished he had the time to Yes. And yeah. And in the movies, you don't really get to that. I mean, there's a deleted scene or in Revenge of the Sith where the same actress is playing Mon Mothma. Nobody's seen it. It's literally a conversation that's about the beginning of the rebellion, essentially. And so now we actually get some time. I love the fact that, you know, here's a star war property and the only like, Legacy character that we've interacted with, is Mon Mothma. Yeah, everyone else is a new care. I mean, kacian. But again, he's only what 2000


He's a he's a new character. Yeah, he's a new character. Um, I saw, I love this. I love this series a lot. Because it's, I said it in our group chat. Star Wars has taken a step back and really focused on its storytelling lately, creating a good story, which is something I feel is lacking in a lot of different things, not just Star Wars. But in a lot of things. Like if you don't have a good story, you don't have a good show or movie. It's just what it is. And this is very slow and methodical, where it gives you every little detail. Slowly, everything builds, it builds and it builds and then there it is.


And it's not dumbing it down for like the not dumbing it down. But what Star Wars is kind of done a lot. Look at the Mandalorian look at book of Boba Fett. Look at Obi Wan. They kind of they know that Star Wars was created by George four


year olds, and their sons as he said, but it's really ever its parents and their children.


Right? And this feels like the first Star Wars in a long time where it's like, I don't think kids are gonna be like jumping to watch this episode to episode but we're sitting here like, Y'all, this is awesome political intrigue. Talking about the Senate


is I was on Twitter the other day and I can't remember which podcast posted it but somebody, one of the podcasts that I follow on there posted it. Imagine that you can make an amazing Star Wars Story by just picking random people in the galaxy.


It doesn't have to be, you know, hey, we got Boba Fett and then in this episode, we got Luke Skywalker. Yeah, and then use Obi Wan. And here's Leila. And here's Darth Vader like no,


I'm seeing a lot of people say, and I think they're right. When Star Wars doesn't Star Wars, it's really well done. When it doesn't rely heavily on the legacy characters and things like that.


Yeah, I definitely agree with agree with that statement. And the show just proves it even more.


Yeah, like you said Mon Mothma is a legacy character, but she's not a main focus.


No, and she's peppered in Yeah, like just enough where it's like, Okay, here's something that I'm familiar with. But everything else we haven't seen a single storm trooper in the show. You


know, it's I it's ISP, right?


Yeah, it's ISP. And then there's Imperial Army. Yeah.


Which is kind of cool. Because when they do go to raid that base, they're not fighting Stormtroopers. They're fighting like people with faces at work. Yeah, these


are these are like the average Imperial Yes, but these are just workers they're not they have probably very little training combat training.


Now. It's it's so cool to watch. I love this so much. I can't say it enough.


It's exploring the gray area.


Yeah, like really? Yeah. Well, yeah,


that's That's right to a tee because we get to see like the average citizen. Yeah. Against the early star average Rebel Alliance soldier. And, like, like, Tanner had said earlier, the stakes are high because we don't have like this. Like racks. We don't have like a veteran Clone Wars Clone Trooper, or we don't have Luke Skywalker who's a Force user in training. These are like the average soldiers that we see like the Battle of Hoth. These are the ones that are in the trenches fighting with just a blaster against ATA DS.


Yeah, what is what's his name? The guy that recruited and or what is his name Lululemon? luthan Thank you,


Stellan Skarsgard character yeah


scars guards carry Yeah, I love him. I love the duality we get with him the super super like gritty man who's helping fund the Rebel Alliance and get it started and then the on the flip side is public persona, which is he is an artifact dealer for the rich on Corizon I love that.


Speaking of artifacts, you see all the references in the shop? Yeah, you


mean the whip?


There's the in in Indiana Jones whip. There's the Sith, the ancient Sith assassin armor which is circulars armor there is a chrome slash gray colored Mandalorian armor?


Yeah, there


is on the wall in the earlier episodes the world between worlds tablets. Yep,


I catch that one. Now it's


it's a quick snippet, but it has like the hands and the like the circles that are on while fall. The he has a Jedi holocron and the exact similar Sith holocron, which used to activate the mash Shadow Generator.


Now my question is, are those actually holocrons? Or are they supposed to be representations because


we think they would be representations because Palpatine would not let that out nap heatedly. No,




I think that they're they're probably more or they're nonfunctioning ones.


They're either nonfunctioning or they're probably just some type of lamp. Like he'll probably be like this.


That was sitting on Corizon for sale. Yeah. Palpatine would own that shop in second, right? Yeah.


No, you're especially one that controls the Mass Shadow.


Later, the Imperial Palace is the Jedi Temple. He did that on purpose so he could access all the ancient Sith holocrons that were locked in the temple. Yep.


He's trying to hoard all of it. So I don't think he would let just this guy have now the Sith armor. If Iran kind


of you also have to think of it this way is Palpatine mentality is that the Sith have grown beyond that, like, like in your face combat. That's he thought he like he thought his lightsaber his lightsabers were just ceremony. Yeah, he did. Key to him. His power was beyond lightsabers. To him the Sith had had grown past that and that all their power now came over their domination of the force and not what they did in battle. Yeah.


Yeah. Plus, it's also you know, part of me wonders If it's just like the props team was like we need some like really cool like deep easter egg II stuff to put in here Yeah, we know canon or not they have a


because mash out a generator is not a cannon


that we know of one


hope deck it's a cultural reference


they have I guess there's been a ton of cultural references the crystal the kyber crystal that that luthan gives to Andorra Skybar Yeah, I'm I was told that that's a reference to something so the people that he says that it originates from


the ricotta are


yes, yes, yes, the ricotta I already and I were watching that and he says ricotta and


you pretty much I did the same thing I was like.


And the ricotta were basically the main force in the galaxy before the Republic came about


the Ricardian empire. Sounds like


Empire. It's


Yes, the infinite Empire is what it's called. sounds a little cheesy.


I mean, what is it? It's racket.


I've heard I am ricotta cheese. I don't know. Yeah. But there's they're goofy looking. They were


basically picture like Sid the sloth mixed with like a Parana on like,


I'm gonna call it everybody hold on. I'm pulling one up on my phone and


they look ridiculous. They were at war with a death of Mary Dafoe me Dafa Mirren lizard species known as de quoi. And that's what they look like.


That's a goofy look. Yeah,


they look ridiculous. They were at war with a species from Dathomir. All the quad which were lizardfolk there are codons are very similar to you could say there have a dark, like a dark side of the force of nature.


So yes and no. When you go back and play Knights of the Old Republic, part of the reason why they have that dark side nature is because they created the Star Forge which fed off of the darkside, and that ended up corrupting their whole species. Yeah, that's right. They are and there's the one not the one. I don't remember the elders is what they're called, actually. And those are the ones that are like the the from the priest cast of the infinite empire and they're kind of more gray. I think, I don't think they leaned one way or the other, but because it's left ambiguous that they were that in Kotor. Yeah. But


I knew I made a mistake referencing Kotor.


Done well, you you guys go on. I'll sit here.


Yeah, so there's a ton of easter eggs. Sorry, guys.


There's one more apparently there's a calico party. You know how we see those in Rebels there? What the people have Ryloth us so yeah, family heirlooms. Yeah,


I see that. I completely forgot that. That was also in his job.


They're like the little things and as new generations they


add to it.


Yeah, that's really cool. I like that a lot. There's so much in the Easter eggs are sprinkled in perfectly in my opinion. They're not. You know, one could sit here and say it's all fanservice


No, very little fan service, which I think makes the easter eggs that much more like oh, okay,


well, for people that don't like the sequel trilogy. It they say, oh, there's not enough of that fan service a lot of the time. And then for people that like the sequel trilogy, they get mad about at shows like the Mandalorian Oh, it's too much. fanservice like, what the hell? So now we have andorre When I love that there's no fans or resent it's all just little tiny easter eggs sprinkled in the back very much early Marvel ask easter egg. Yeah. Yeah,


I agree. One of my favorite little easter eggs is that Andorra's Blaster is basically it's not the exact same model. I know what you're gonna say. It's just it's like a slightly read tweaked Briar pistol that Kyle guitar. Yes. Yeah. In the Jedi Knight series. Yes. I


knew exactly where you were going with that


pulls that out in the third episode. And I'm like,


I I saw that now that you like vocalize the I'm like, Where have I seen this blaster before? And that's it. I want to see him saying it. I was like, oh, there it is. It's just


it's fun little things like in that third episode where they go to the crash site. You can see the I can't remember the lady's name, but she plays on Petunia and Harry Potter. I can't remember. Yes. I can't remember her character's name but she says that the Republic ship got shot down and that the Republic officers they just killed one. But the people that are in that ship are wearing A separatist patch is nice. Yeah. So I'm curious. Did she make a mistake or is there like a little bit more than that? There's they've set up so much in this show, and then moved on from it that I'm so excited to get back to like,


I that's what I like is that how much they've set up? And they're like, oh, by the way, we're not going to touch that now.


Right? Like so in Bix comes back. That's going to be important. And I'm going to be like, oh, yeah, I forgot about this plotline. When we get back to his, you know, his home planet of Canare and figure out like, what was that whole mining area?


By the way? Hold on. Hold on. Center, though. Is that her name?


Cynthia? Yes. Yeah,


I'm betting that sister. Really? That's kind of the vibe I've been getting.


She's the one she was on the stealth mission with. Oh, no, I forgot her name to CAS s I think


well, that was a V. Dope.


know, maybe I can't


remember anyone names but last lady and it's heavily implied that those two are Yeah, yeah.


Yeah. Which is pretty cool. I don't know why the but the way the camera focuses on cinta when, and doors like near her are staring at her. There. It's doing it in such a way that there's something more than not a love story. Like she's going to be important. Yeah, there is there. She's gonna be very important to this whole show, in my opinion. Yeah.


Can we go back and talk about in that morally gray area? The rebels the guy the heroes of this story, taking hostages. I love a kid hostage. I love it. And then the Imperial officer guy like actually like fighting to save. You're kind of sitting there like, like, kinda hope that he saves the kid. But I mean, cooperate, and you won't need to save the kid. But also, why am I rooting for the guys who just took a hostage? This is weird. This makes me feel weird. Star Wars Stop making me feel?


Well, like Yeah, like, like I said earlier, this is this is the start of the rebellion. So this is like, they have to do this. Otherwise, there's no idea and there's no reason to start a rebellion. Yeah, there's going to be civilians and young civilians like a child in the crossfire. But they have to, they have to defend this idea. So it's unfortunate, but they realize now that after this mission, they're like, well, now there's probably going to be Imperial officer children that are going to be in the way.


Well, what I like about this show, too, is it shows that war is not what it was made out to be even in the Star Wars world. Yeah. Like we thought about these honorable rebels going up against the dictators of the Empire. That's what was always showed to us. Yeah. And now we're seeing the nitty gritty. And so and I think that was first introduced with saga Herrera. Yes. And we and they even referenced as partisans and things like that throughout. If you were one of the partisans, you'd be shocked by now for that for being


asleep on century Yeah, like that. Yeah. And I mean, it seems like in the trailers, we're gonna get some Sagar era, which I'm really excited to see. Yeah,


I It's an adult Star Wars Show. Even though it's not gory, and all that stuff. It's, there's a Disney product, I expected that there's definitely some death. Yeah, which is nice.


But every death has really served a purpose. story wise, it's not just like death for the sake of death. It's, you know, like skiing at the end when he talks about double crossing everybody and running off with the money with andorre and endorse just like, Nope, because if I don't kill you, now, you're gonna turn around and you're probably going to kill


me now. Everybody else? Yeah, exactly. And pin it on me that I was trying to leave.


Right. And like how he goes in and he's like, I just want my half. I'm not even trying to take everything. I just want what I was owed,


and then I'm gonna give him 30k for his ship. Yeah.


Which I like the fact that it looks like a forearm version of modules.


Yeah, I instantly thought of oh, god festoon from the way he's described in his implants. Yeah, at the implants. I instantly thought of that, in that book that I didn't finish.


Part of me is kind of just like, well, what if skin was just testing him to see if he was going to abandon the crew? Just like shoot some what's her


name didn't like she at first she's like, he wouldn't do that. But then she gave up on andorre Really quick, like going after and, or really quickly, so I think she deep down knew that something was off his skin.


I know. My brain instantly was just like, what if he was just testing you? What if like, 10 seconds he was gonna be like, Nah, just kidding you. All right. Come on, man. No, glad you didn't betray


how quickly she switched from. Yeah. For how quickly she switched up from going he wouldn't do that to Okay, yeah, whatever leave I was like, Oh, she You deep down that that motherfucker was dirty the whole time? Oh, the whole time. Yeah,


I mean, and Clem had been nothing but honest even saying like, I'm here to get paid and even when it comes back to it at the end, he's like, like I said, like, literally just give me my portion and I'm gone. I love


that that again, why I think that she knew that Skene was a piece of shit was, she's like, Wait, take his manifesto. Yep. If she didn't if she thought that Kassian was really a dirtbag, she wouldn't have done that.


Well, it was the kid had said. She said that the kid had said before he died give this to kasnia or to Clem, or whatever the heck they're calling him now. Yeah, how about that death? I mean, all the others were like, okay, blaster fight. You're down and then


just crushed. Oh,


yeah. That was that was one of those that


was dark,


and they give him like, kinda reminded me of the Fallen order the stems. Yeah,


it's like an adrenaline shot, basically. But that scene where they're flying through the meteors are incredible. Oh my god. That was like you said the most visually beautiful Star Wars I think I've ever seen.


There's a shot. There's one shot and it's the time to do that with your hands again. Oh, I want to do that with you. There's one shot


now you did the okay sign like Donald Trump. Did


I? Yeah. Donna. Yeah, it existed before he used it. But literally, there's a tie pilot climbing into the TIE fighter from like the top rack and it just with the with the eye and all the mediocre stuff happening in the background meteor


shower. Oh, that was cool. How it shows the airbase and it you know, you see like a Thai pilot getting in and then the like the eye way off in the distance. It's starting to make its way over the horizon. And I was like,


that's really cool. Visually stunning.


Yeah. This this latest episode was very visually stunning.


I I think Star Wars is rediscovering the magic. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. I think they tried with the sequel trilogy to do the Marvel spectacle stuff. Yeah. And it didn't go like yes, they made money. But they got so much backlash from it, that I they reevaluated and said we need to go back to storytelling.


I do want to say though, they did really good with Rogue One. Yes. Oh, absolutely. Out of the Disney projects. They did a very


good job and solo wasn't bad. Solo was not solo wasn't bad either. Because we got a little bit of a background on my problem with Solo was an unneeded movie. Nobody asked for it. Yeah. No one asked for a Rogue One. But this was a great story. Everyone has Randori either,


but here we are getting Yeah, we're getting but


the problem with solo is we didn't need that backstory. We never felt we needed. Yeah. When we heard Rogue One kick was announced. We're like, Ah, so how they sold the Deathstar plants. That's cool. Yeah, yeah, I'm into that. And then it was a great movie. And then we're like, Okay, that was cool. It's done. We saw that story. We know how it ties into everything. And then they're like, oh, by the way, we're going to do a series on and on. We're like, oh, oh, really? That was very well done. Yeah.


Yeah. And it was nice because end or


Rogue One didn't have to end on that like typical Disney Happy Ending kind of thing got to be like, is still a war. Everything is kind of gonna shit. There's a little bit of hope here at the end. But then all the sequel films kind of felt like a Disney like we still need our hope at the end. We still need okay, we lost Han Solo, but we have this new resistance. And you know, Oh, we lost Luke Skywalker. But we still have this like plucky little band of rebels. And then somehow Palpatine returned but now he's dead and re bury the lightsabers like there's always this like little bit of happiness and hope. And even in solo you get that happy ending he gets the Falcon roads one got to be what Empire Strikes Back.


I was just about to say that Empire Strikes Back like yesterday ends with Luke and Leia standing on the bridge and looking out into the galaxy or Nebula or whatever is a quasar quasar. But you felt hopeless. At the same time, I felt like they were comforting each other of how do we continue? Not we're going to be okay. It's no How do we continue


because the solos in the hands of Java, the Empires pretty much scattered most of the Rebel Alliance. Yeah. And they're pretty much like they are in the rebel series. They're on the run. Yeah,


Luke lost a hand. Yeah.


And then later becomes Luke


Oh legends. Yeah, I love the idea so yeah,


I was hiding under that wire to


the Empire storyline where there was an evil clone of Luke But the only way you can tell the difference was because they added a whole extra letter you in the spelling of his name Lou,


why is nuke that's Timothy's on for you.


That's like how you knew Tim and Episode Three was going to die because it wasn't Tim with one M


It was Tim with two ends


had to die he was evil but he also wasn't it's a morally great key made a decision based on his own personal you know? Yes life he wanted this gal he thought that she was hooking up with kacian which they probably did in the past Yes. I'm gonna go report them and then everything else that happens is launched from that decision. Yep. A human decision based on real you know, jealousy he was drunk. It's such a hard to say it's a very realistic show because it's in a galaxy far far away in a universe where there's


a very human show yeah. There's


there's magic and you know, swords made out of lasers but


and guns that shoot blast her by shoot laser bolts. Right? And you know, you can travel faster than the speed of light.


One thing we haven't talked about is that the Imperial guy who gets demoted and now his mom.


Yeah, what is his name? I don't care Cyril. I don't know.


I don't know something along those lines. Yeah, inspector or something or another poor


guy. He's did what was the name of the episode The X that's forgets or something? Yes. And it's literally like Kassian doesn't give a hoot about that guy has no idea who he is, or that he completely ruined his career, his life. But that guy is out for


and I can't wait to see how that pays off. Especially because they went to his quote unquote, uncle and see where they where he lands. Like calling in a family favor. I also liked that how he very much didn't want to ever use that family favorite but as mom's like, we're gonna do it.


Yeah, he wanted to kind of be his own man and rise through the ranks on his own, you know, his own merit as mom's just like, we'll just


call uncle Harlow Arlo,


I think so. Our lowers on Uncle Harlow, who I'm assuming is going to be in the ISP and then he's gonna hook up, not hook up. But like get in contact with that ISP agent lady who's like, investigating the same stuff that led to the incident. And now


I have that's the part I'm actually really intrigued to see how that that intrigue that Imperial intrigue comes out. Because it's that cutthroat mess. She's trying to one up that hurt her coworker there to get ahead. And she's right. But


again, that's that's what yeah, that's basically how Palpatine wants.


That's how. That's how the Sith wants the it's like


you guys may be ever citizens. But I want you to think like the Sith do


yes. And climb over each other. And I loved the bit where it's, it's so scattered, but it's too random to be random. Yes, I love that line. I love that. Like you're on some,


that's when they're starting to put pieces together. Like the Empire is like something's up. And they're definitely like, maybe we should keep an eye on some people.


Yeah, they're the only ones that see it. Those two are the only ones that Tamra


buddy else this is like you guys. It's just it's just happenings like don't worry about it, but they're like nah, there's something going on here.


It's too random to be random. I loved that and


now I want to see how the ISP guy that was telling her like hey look yeah, you know you're following a hunch whatever good great reports. I want to know if he's going to then pay you saw this coming we're going to give you a little bit of you know credit and here lead a team lead an investigation team do your thing or if they're going to be like well, you should have pushed this information a little harder. You knew it was gonna happen now you're gonna get punished I'm curious to see which way they go with that. It's


really hard to say


in all honesty, because I mean, it's it's the Empire. Honestly, I'm gonna lean more towards the latter. She'll be punished right but who knows or she's gonna


sell out the other guy that's another option that he's gonna sell him completely out I think that's what it's gonna be


like I have the evidence here but I think he I think so


and so that got that got fired is going to link up with her. Yeah, yeah. And and it's gonna put the other ISP guy out by he's going to be crucified.


So much. Oh, I can't wait so much that like we know what happened. He's in the Star Wars universe, but we don't know what happens with the people in this story. Yeah. And that's what I think frees it up from the same things is like book a Boba Fett and Obi Wan is those are characters that Boba Fett not so much because it's in a time period we don't know a lot about but Obi Wan there's only so many things you can do with that character because you know, Leah ends up doing what she does. Obi Wan ends up doing what he does. Vader ends up doing what he does, you're stuck.


Well, I mean, we're also stuck with andorre. But they're giving us the backstory,


right and all these other characters that we then meet that gets to go on and do their own stuff and I'm invested in them.


So I want Bix back you just want to stare at that eye candy


I mean, block


Cory wasn't me oh, you know what's going on? You want to know what can make it makes it even weirder


I know you're not going to edit that out.


Just know. Ah,


I really wish that i The


clarification because extra spice


to the Yeah, ordering today.


Apparently I need to update the drivers on my computer to run obs and it's not letting me so I gotta uninstall it and start over his guys. So no video this week.


Oh, that's a bunch of BS. Oh, fuck


off Cory.


Not a D for not a D six. Once you roll the


D Well, I was gonna mean to make Merlot Eatwell Yeah,


not that mean.


Yet. Yeah, yeah. Yeah,


I can't wait to the first time he goes to try and kill somebody. He's like can't wait


to do what I have planned for you guys and strahd When you meet him for the first time. Awkward danger. Yes, you are.


So and or happened? That was fun.


That was a lot of fun. And then we also had werewolf by night.


Yes. Did you have a chance to watch? Oh, I did. Oh my The Record highly,


highly recommend.


I really want to watch it. I've been really trying to catch up on and or an Rings of Power.


So I will sit I just want to say this. It's got great Twilight Zone. Right? Yeah. Re Twilight. See.


That is that's a good thing. But yes, the Twilight Zone. I love the old Twilight Zone. It's those are the shows that like


yeah, they're old. Yes. The


practical effects are not up to par as they are today.


Yeah, exactly what it was.


But the stories, the intrigue of it.


Like it's it's good.


I loved Ted.


It was like a universal like the old school horror monster movies like


Hitchcock ask. Yeah, Alfred Hitchcock ask but but Marvel FIDE black and


white Marvel FIDE, it evokes that same, like black and white is kind of old school like, okay, and then they throw in like some modern CG. And you're like, oh, okay, that's what this kind of thing would have looked like back then. Yeah, have the ability to do this. And like they get to show blood but because it's black and white. Oh,


yeah. That was awesome. It was gory for a Disney product.


It was gory. But at the same time, it still felt like you could show a couple of kids this and it would maybe give them some nightmares. But no more so than what Neverending Story or something. Yeah,


but I loved it. I loved it. Because even though it wasn't black and white, and I know it was just Hershey's chocolate sauce being thrown around. What a shower scene. Oh, I gotta say no,


no, I hear you. I was good. It was it was really good. I was surprised I didn't know that it was coming out. No, it


was it was a really fun surprise.


I happen to have you know the evening to myself when I was like, I'll see what's on Disney plus maybe rewatch the last episode a daredevil. Sorry, not Daredevil. She Hulk. You can see why I would make those up. Yeah, and I was like, where we'll find out? Oh, yeah. Cuz I don't really want to start a whole new series with the five minute long. Like I want more readily digestible.


I want I want more of that. Like those are fun things, those little shorts like like those one off, do it tomorrow. It


built its own lore, it used the law of the MCU but very little, it didn't need to have much more. Yeah. But at the same time, it's like okay, so all this stuff that happens in this it leans into more of the mystical kind of side is existing in the current MCU with you know, the likes of talking Captain America and and and all the other stuff going on. So it's just it's really excited because you know, they're going midnight sun's out Some point at some point.


Definitely looking forward to that game.


I saw some D 23 footage and I didn't realize that it's like a like a card based like turn based game. I'm excited to watch all of the cinematics in a YouTube movie. Yes When I but I don't think I'll end up playing


well I well I like by it No. Well I you know probably do what you just said and watch it just the YouTube movie. Probably.


Yeah. So, ring not to spoil Rings of Power, but Rings of Power. Brooksie last two episodes. Last


two episodes have been like


really awesome. I actually have to pee. So if you guys want to like,


now you get to sit here and suffer because I have to pee too. Oh,


well, I don't so great.


We have Cory pinned in the corner of the room right now.


I know. I was just trying to plan like, I do I navigate No, I'm


stuck. Plenty. You know, it's not just handcuffed. I mean, it's leather bound doubt. Hey,


I'm about to put a ball gag right now. And it's got a ball gag ready


to go.


I've been using something as a wind stopper that um Oh. send you that tic tac?


No, maybe


on that word. Oh, I die here on like, Sundays. Like I love this thing. And I'm like, at that alliance.


I don't know what we're talking.


It's a good thing. My boss was not there. Because I was like, I personally


like what looks like a wind stopper that belongs in the bedroom. Oh


yeah. Oh, yeah.


I just loved I just loved the stitch on that video. Just wine tastes like she


referenced in videos on an audio podcast. I


know. I wish that. Hey ma'am. As we slow as we grow and grow, I will. The setup will change share it on the Insta. Share it on the Insta, on the Instagram that we have that Dorkside Nexus. But back to Rings of Power. But while Cory is trying to distract us so he can go pee he's trapped through. He's trapped.


Those last year.


Please know. There's so much expensive equipment in front of you. I know. Those last few episodes were unbelievable. Yeah. It may it kind of makes up for Episode Five for me. Not fully, but kind of


Yeah. Yeah, I'm definitely seeing why Episode Five. You were just like, get on with it already. This is just let's hurry it up. Let's Yeah, I see what you mean. Oh, five and I'm like, I don't need to skip


this action to have six. And then the story building this the storytelling and world building of seven unbelief. Yeah. So good. And the finale is tomorrow. Yep. So yeah, Cory, only eight episodes.




there's only seven, eight. Around seven. Yes. So I hope you have eight hours.


And I really died. It's actually nine.


Yeah, give or take nine hours.


Maybe Sunday after we do that breakfast. You should I'll binge


it's honestly if you're gonna binge go two episodes at a time and take a break. Yeah. Okay. Like that's really the best way like, go outside. Touch some grass. That's all I


can really do with like, hour long shows these days is maybe two episodes. It's beautifully shot.


Yeah. You're, you're visually Your eyes are just glued to the television.


I can't. I can't look away.


No, I don't even look at my phone. Like my phone will go off. My watch will buzz I'll look down. They'll look right back. Right. I'm gonna miss something. Yeah. And I actually watched episode six twice because I was at a buddy's house in an RV and I watched it when I came back from the bachelorette bachelorette party. Now bachelors. Yes, yes. And I missed some things, because I was at a buddy's house and he kept asking me Lord of the Rings, lore questions, and I kept looking away to talk to him. Yeah. But really cool. I think I have my theory on Sauron. Ah, yeah,


I think the theory is pretty sound right?


I think


my theory is he's gonna lose a finger.


That's a solid theory. Corey, right,


two fingers. Two fingers.


Pretty sure it's favorite finger.


Are you sure because I'm an open Don't shout for her.


This is gonna kick my butt. So you like oh man.


What else do we have coming up so we're gonna have the Rings of Power finale this week.


That's ending She Hulk ended today. Thank God let me tell you if you weren't interested in the show so far, I don't think you're going to be that interested now. I will say overall as a whole I didn't mind the show. I liked it. I don't see why people are absolutely hating it. It wasn't complete trash. There are maybe three episodes that I thought were really good Marvel television.


I mean, it's like you said it's a flavor of Marvel you go into the comic book shop and pick the things you want to read.


The last episode did something that I thought was very unique, very interesting. I am kind of upset that they did it because now Deadpool can't. And if you're interested about you know, I'll tell you about that after but it was a very huge fourth wall break that I really really could see Deadpool doing that I'm you know,


it was good. It was fine. It was okay. The show was fine, but you're saying it's not the trash


that all the installs are saying that it was online but it's not


that's that's the internet though people on the internet aren't real people this room


so true.


Just ask Elon Musk is he buying Twitter's you're not buying


he confirmed he definitely bought Twitter okay weren't


already 454 I


think I think it was 4450 for a share but he bought it for Yeah.


Somebody bought an NFT of the original Twitter post like buffers Twitter post for like multiple million dollars and probably blows my mind is


probably just a picture of the logo. That's my best guess is like yours Twitter now active is just a bird Yeah,


yeah, it's like a bird and it says like, hey guys are some shit and I'm like, millions of dollars


I'm gonna just brewery fleets. Don't quote me for financial advice. Anybody This is a podcast this is just my opinion. But if you have any extra money and you're looking to buy something in this goddamn market right now data the witches for the Cardano blockchain is at 39 cents for one ADA it's stupid by so because if it goes up to $3 you still make a massive profit on it


Why are you guys both looking at me? I don't know anything about this shit. No. I know nothing. We


do have a guest lined up to educate you.




well as you educate me as well because I don't know enough as much as he does. But


we have an NF teacher coming up psychic damage


I'm so sad.


Do you have a pen?


Or making like notes of these?


Oh no. Well, you can go back and rewatch this up re listen to this episode of The Nexus


I'm at work one hand in the machine trying to get it going.


Let's just start


All right. Thanks for joining us this week guys. Stay hydrated we had a cup of tea today there's help us stay hydrated.


Ya know I have to race like a piss horse. Blazing Saddles this weekend.


I need to watch that. Now.


That movie you also if you haven't watched Naked Gun, I love those.


Did you end up going and rewatching those?


I have not ever seen those?


Definitely watch


ever down. I leave you down in Greenfield they have the whole trilogy of Naked Gun on my Xbox.


I'll show you as I show you my Naked Gun.


I'm ready


Candygram from Mongo


found that no guys, I've been Tanner.


I've been Cory and it's been Brooksie aka Papa Palpatine.


Make sure to stay hydrated. Check us out on all of the social media platforms including Instagram. Our new Tik Tok is you know doing well. We have a video up on there. That's nice. We've got Facebook we got the tweeter Tanner's in charge of that and for the love of God watch something nerdy


and pass on the right